Tuesday, August 27, 2013

On the Prospect of Taxpayers Paying for Private Bradley Manning's Gender Reassignment Surgery

Yeah, I'm a lean no on this one.


  1. Bradley/Chelsea is going to have a never ending supply of boyfriends at Levenworth.They may very well be planning a welcome Chelsea party.


  2. A few months ago the was a PSA with a bunch of celebs each saying "Iam Bradley Manning."

    I wonder if they are now going to say "Iam Chelsea Manning."

    Perhaps they could foot the bill for Chelsea's hormone's?

    Here's a golden oldie.....Do you know how to make a hormone?.....don't pay her!

    Rim shot here! Tip your waiters...Im here all week...

  3. Not surprisingly, wd wants the taxpayers to pick up the tab here.

    1. Will, its easy to be generous when you are spending other peoples' money, isn't it?


  4. WD may be next in line for the treatment if Manning gets it

  5. Dude's got no skin in the game and so, "Yeah, pay for it", he goes.

  6. Since he is at Leavenworth for spying, a sexchange would make him
    Mata Hari?

  7. BB said: "Since he is at Leavenworth for spying, a sexchange would make him
    Mata Hari?"

    Or in the running to be a Bond girl.


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