Friday, August 16, 2013

On New Jersey's Ramrod Republican Senate Candidate, Steve Lonegan

A vitriolic and even more partisan and divisive candidate than Christine O'Donnell. In fact, this dude makes Ms. O'Donnell sound like Margaret Chase Smith, Jacob Javits, and Edward Brooke.


  1. The dude is living in the twilight zone.


  2. Its a joke....its impossible for a Republican to win a senate seat in N.J. so they ran a cartoon have to be from Jersey to understand the humor in it.

    1. It might be a joke, and yeah it might be impossible to win NJ, and this dude is helping to insure it remains so. And, the Reclown party remains the BIG joke. Nationwide.

  3. Yet, Chris Christie leads his dem
    opponent in NJ polls by 28%.


  4. Chris Christie is NOT a typical Republican.....but he IS a typical Jersey Boy and unless you were born and raised in the Garden State you cannot comprehend exactly what that is.

    Like 98% of blacks voted for Obama only because of his skin color....I would vote for Christie because he is a tried and true Jersey Boy.

    Hell,I could see him dropping the "C" word on Hillary during a debate and if Bill jumped up to defend her,Bubba would catch an ass beating. What great theater that would be.


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