Wednesday, August 21, 2013

On the New "Crossfire" Featuring Van Jones, Newt Gingrich, Stephanie Cutter, and God Only Knows Who Else

Participants not loathsome, repulsive, nauseating, and crass enough. I just cannot wait to miss it.


  1. Proof that CNN has decided to join the race to the bottom.

  2. If you can't beat 'em (and apparently they can't), join 'em/cut another page out of their playbook.

  3. Here is as objective a view one can find on the state of cable news:

    MSNBC Almost Entirely Dominated By Opinion: Pew Study

    Fox News comes out pretty bad. MSNBC manages to be even worse. (so much for those on the Left who claim MSNBC is somehow different from Fox and superior)

    CNN comes out pretty good, away from the other two. This new "Crossfire" though, will help bring CNN more in line with the other boob-tube boobs.

  4. Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett are both above average in my opinion. Piers Morgan I've soured on and, yes sir, this Crossfire thing sounds like a total train-wreck (though I did enjoy it in the Pat Buchanan, Michael Kinsley days).

  5. To be a fair match, they need David Duke against Van Jones. Both are unrepentant devotees of the worst mass murderers in history. Newt can't come close


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