Tuesday, August 20, 2013

On the Full-Bore Idiocy of Leftist Environmentalist, George Monbiot

This fellow is a real piece of work. I saw one of his BBC interviews and the guy actually said that, if you take out 1998's El Nino, the trendline for global warming would have continued at it's pre-El Nino rate. First of all, I'm not entirely certain that this is true. I've looked at the satellite data over the past dozen years or so and that trendline looks pretty damn flat to me (he probably utilized some of those James Hansen airport, right next to the concrete/air conditioner thermometers). And second of all, isn't this (the omitting of key pieces of data, the cherry-picking of data, the torturing of available data, etc.) the very thing that got these imbeciles into trouble in the first place? If you're asking me here, people, Mr. Monbiot implicated not just himself but the entire alarmist movement with this "observation".


  1. The trendline is not flat if you tilt the piece of paper to the left. The more you tilt to the left, the more of a sharp rise you will see.

  2. That's exactly what James Hansen did to hide the 35 year cooling decline from 1940 to 1975 (Hansen ironically being one of the global COOLING alarmists of the 1970s).


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