Sunday, August 11, 2013

On the Concept of "White Hispanic"

Yes, there are some white Hispanics (Hispanics exclusively of European origin). Fidel Castro is a white Hispanic. Geraldo Rivera is a white Hispanic. Rick Sanchez is a white Hispanic. Vicente Fox is a white Hispanic (10% of Mexico is white). Nobody is arguing against this. The only point that I've been making is that George Zimmerman is NOT a white Hispanic. a) His great grandfather was African which would make him 1/8th black and b) his mother and uncle are Peruvian which would make them obviously Mestizo and hence partly Native-American. George Zimmerman is every bit as dark (and probably darker) than Melissa Harris Perry, people. HELLO!


  1. The person I have discussed this with who is (1) an advocate for Native American issues and (2) is a liberal/leftist of fairly strong party/ideology purity has insisted to me that George Zimmerman is as much Native as Johnny Depp is. That is, not at all.

    Clearly, when (2) comes into conflict with (1), (1) must give way entirely.

  2. This was in response to an idiotic assertion by wd that Zimmerman IS in fact a "white Hispanic"; this despite the fact that he has both African bloodlines AND Native-American bloodlines.......What can I say, the dude keeps outdoing himself.

  3. Just for the record, the population of Peru is 45% Native-American (the same racial group as the Chinese in that the original Native-Americans came over the land bridge in Alaska during the last ice age), 37% Mestizo, 3% African-American, and only 15% European (of which Mr. Zimmerman's uncle and mother obviously ARE NOT).......And, again, just because the police fucked up Zimmerman's race doesn't give the leftists and the media carte blanche to lie about it.

  4. Did you see the school bus video in which a 13 year-old white kid was getting brutally beaten by 3 black teens? I'm still waiting for the Al Sharpton intervention.


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