Sunday, August 4, 2013

Most Overrated Founding Father?

I'd probably have to go with Hamilton. The fellow was a fan of a) banking and government working closely/central banking, b) mercantilism and protectionism, c) a permanent Presidency, d) public debt (he called it a "public blessing"), e) high taxation, f) central planning, and g) governing through force, coercion, and intimidation (he actually wanted to hang the perpetrators of the Whiskey Rebellion). Yeah, I'd probably have to go with him.


  1. Jefferson came to mind first. Yeah, he has many strengths. But the ethnic cleansing (proposal for "Indian Removal") gives me pause, and it set the template for a long official campaign of genocide/ethnic cleansing by the Federal government that lasted long long after Jefferson's death.

  2. Are you familiar with the French Acadian society that existed up in New Brunswick in the 18th century. Not only did they live peaceably with the Native Americans, they intermarried and shared their cultures. What happened to them? THEY were ethnically cleansed by the British and dispersed throughout the hemisphere. Too bad 'cause it sounds like they had a good template.

  3. He was America's first big time supporter of statism. There is a reason progressives (and Truth 101) view Hamilton in extremely favorable light.

    Just sayin...

  4. I only read about this relatively recently, in the last few years.

    The Metis also had a different situation as well.


  5. If not for the Acadian's there would be no Southern Louisiana coulture.No Zydeco music,no gumbo,no eat the tail and suck the head.

    To learn about them check out Zachary Richard.

    1. That's right Rusty. Hamilton was an islander before coming to the colonies.

  6. Economist, Thomas DiLorenzo, refers to Hamilton as the Founding Father of Crony Capitalism and the Founding Father of Statism. That pretty much sums it up, I think.

  7. Rumor has it that Madison and others smelled a rat and added to the Constitution that provision about being born in America (to be President) just to prevent Hamilton from ever being President.

  8. Aaron Burr was no Hamilton fan, either.

  9. I think that Hamilton accused Burr of sleeping with own daughter or something. You're right, no love lost there.

  10. Burr versus Hamilton was one of those situations where you couldn't lose.


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