Saturday, August 17, 2013

How Many Leftists and Progressives Does it Take to.....

I've never been a Fox News apologist (just ask Hannity, O'Reilly, and Fox and Friends) and I'm certainly not going to start now. But I gotta tell you here, folks, as it currently stands, MSNBC isn't just a little bit worse than Fox, it is way, WAY, worse. I mean, just take a look at the last couple of years. Fox News has hired Ed Henry, John Roberts, and Howard Kurtz to a network that had already been featuring Shepard Smith, James Rosen, Chris Wallace, Kirsten Powers, Carl Cameron, and a spate of other folks who are the very least tolerable. Compare that to MSNBC which has elevated the likes of Chris Hayes, Lawrence O'Donnell (who I initially thought was decent but, no, no longer), Alex Wagner (some vacuous hottie who comes on at noon), Karen Finney, and Melissa Harris-Perry AND who've also circled the wagons around maximum-core ramrods/preexisting staple; Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow (the increasingly disturbed Ed Schultz apparently being the odd man out now). The way that I see the situation here, folks, Fox is at the very minimum giving it the good college try.


  1. It's all and creating perception. In other words it's mostly cosmetic bullshit. That is what news has sunk to. Mostly because that's what people want and therefore reflected in the rating game.

    It's a joke.

  2. MSNBC (I gather) is trying to be the anti-Fox and, boy, have those folks ever "succeeded".

    1. Their M.O. seems to be driven by an inferiority complex, and a desire to please the most powerful.

      The first is the attitude of a loser. The second is the attitude of a bootlicker.


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