Thursday, August 29, 2013

Former President Carter on Paula Deen

 "I think she has been punished, perhaps overly severely (the woman lost her television show and book deal, all because she told the truth), for her honesty in admitting it and for the use of the word in the distant past. She's apologized profusely."............You go, Mr. Carter (this, while both the racial and sexual discrimination claims have been dismissed with prejudice - meaning that this Jackson bimbo cannot go back to the well for more). It's good to see that at least some people on the left aren't motivated by vengeance, blackmail, and racial demagoguery.


  1. Jimmy was a guest on her show a couple times and both are Georgia natives.

  2. Carter, except for crazy books on Israel, is seemingly a decent fellow.


  3. He turned out to be quite the general contractor.......much better at that then being president.

  4. Will: That is my take on Carter also.

    As for the topic? I do have some disagreement. When did this take place? A while ago, yes. But it was a couple of decades after the civil rights era. After the March on Washington. And Deen was an experienced, grown woman. And at this late time in history, and this time in her mature adult life, a little hardship let open the racist inside her. I myself think of black people as a whole the same whether or not a single bad example of them does me wrong.

    J.C. Watts has a good quotation on character.

  5. I can't say that she's my cup of tea, either. But at least she told the truth about it and apologized. That's a hell of a lot more than you can say about Sharpton who's never apologized for bubkas.

  6. I understand what has been ALLEGED, wd (against Mrs. Deen and her brother) but I, unlike you, don't rush to the assumption that a person is guilty just because I happen not to like them for whatever reason. And it has absolutely NOTHING to do with politics, a-hole. I defended that Weiner character the first time around, too, in what I thought was a bum's rush against him. Both cases were dismissed with prejudice (no more bites at the apple for said Ms. Jackson) and still the lady has had her livelihood destroyed. I would say that I wish the same happens to you but you've first gotta a have a livelihood to lose it. Now get the fuck out of here, you jackass.

  7. Will said: "And it has absolutely NOTHING to do with politics, a-hole"

    Yeah... it is clear to anyone who reads even one or two of your posts that it is never about politics with you. When it comes to (D) or (R), you don't have a dog in the fight.


    Hey Will, I don't know if you've seen the post on shitheads but if not check out the above.

    wd/DS is certainly an interesting study in, well, I really don't know what. According to Joe Kelly it is in in shitheadedness.

  9. My issue here, Luther, basically boils down to consistency. If we're going to destroy people's livelihoods for stupidity, can we at least do it in an even-handed manner? The Reverend Jesse Jackson was forgiven for his anti-Semetic comments and Sharpton has never even apologized.......Thanks for the heads-up, Les. I am all over it.

  10. According to Joe Kelly Will Hart is also an interesting case study in shitheadedness.


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