Thursday, August 22, 2013

Failing the Signature Test

There are two main types of evidence in science; numerical and signatorial. Let me talk a little bit about the latter as it pertains to man-made global warming.........................................................................The main point here is that each of the most common potential causes of global warming has a distinctive effect on the environment. When it comes to carbon dioxide, the main thing to look for is a hot-spot in the upper troposphere (mainly in the tropics). Luckily we do possess the technology (satellites, radiosonde balloons) to determine the existence of such phenomenon AND GUESS WHAT? There isn't any hot spot in the upper troposphere, zero, nada. This, folks, is the most powerful evidence available that carbon dioxide could not have been the main reason for our most recent episode of global warming (1975-1999) -  and still the media/political class pushes it. Unbelievable.


  1. There you go exaggerating again. It is not quite that cut and dried. There is quite a bit of ongoing discussion and disagreement about the 'hot spot' .

  2. I've seen the satellite images, Jerry, and there is no hot-spot. Yes, the warmists are trying torture the data but you cannot change reality. And there is no ocean warming, either (this per the ARGO system since 2003).

  3. Jerry, we have added 28% more CO2 to the atmosphere over the last dozen years and the temperatures have flatlined. The models predicted far more warming and even with the scenario in which we radically reduced CO2 emissions the actual warming HAS BEEN LESS. Yeah, there are people exaggerating and their names are Al Gore, James Hansen, Ben Santer, and George Monbiot.

  4. Jerry, the earth is a natural system and natural systems almost invariably have negative feedbacks. They have negative feedbacks because that is how they sustain themselves. And the satellites and radiosonde balloons have definitively concluded that more radiation is escaping from the earth's atmosphere, not less.


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