Monday, July 29, 2013

Trayvon's Texts

1) To Trayvon, "So, you're just turning into a little hoodlum?" Trayvon's response, "Na, I'm a gangsta"."............2) To Trayvon (from his OLDER - by 5 full years - brother), "So, when you gonna teach me to fight?"............3) To Trayvon (from his girlfriend), "You gotta stop fighting." Trayvon's response, "Na, I'm not done with da fool."............4) Trayvon texts, "Duh way I fight nd golds I had last year." Friend's response, "Ub fightn....yeah, a lot."...............................................................................Alright, let's back-peddle a little bit here. Who would be the individual more than likely who started the fight; the 17 year-old self-proclaimed gangsta wannabe (and former footballer) who's history is full of fighting, or the short and stocky 29 year-old who's own gym manager essentially called a wimp (and who, according to wd, trips a lot)? Me, I'm personally going with the more logical option here.


  1. Race aside, the Florida 'Stand Your Ground' law resulted in an
    unarmed man being shot and killed.
    Based on that law, no one was murdered-case closed.

  2. This case had zero to do with stand your ground. Zimmerman couldn't have retreated if he wanted to (unless he wanted to dig his way to China).


  3. BB continues the liberal talking points.Martin was a thug in training....Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch captain in a crime infested area....what the hell do you think was going to happen? They were'nt gonna go to Sonic for shakes.

  4. I hear that they have 20-something different flavors now.

  5. Perhaps Trayvon felt threatened because Zimmerman was following him. He "stood his ground". Unfortunately fists are a poor weapon against a gun, a gun that he did not know Zimmerman had.

    1. Perhaps YOU should get your head out of your ass, and try, just try thinking like you knew what you are talking about!

  6. He wasn't standing his ground. Rachel Jeantel's own testimony had Trayvon at the bottom of the T literally feet from his father's girlfriend's house and he obviously doubled back to the top of the T to kick some serious ass.

  7. So YOU Say. Unfortunately Martin is dead and can't tell what he was feeling.

  8. .

    "Who would be the individual more than likely who started the fight; the 17 year-old self-proclaimed gangsta wannabe (and former footballer) who's history is full of fighting, or the short and stocky 29 year-old who's own gym manager essentially called a wimp (and who, according to wd, trips a lot)?"

    Ah, hello? The 'fight' started when "the short and stocky 29 year-old 'wimp'" carrying a loaded gun, stalked after the _unarmed_ person.


    Love the way _YOU_ paint the unarmed (dead) victim. Intentionally using racially-charge terms - (""So, you're just turning into a little hoodlum?" Trayvon's response, "Na, I'm a gangsta". "............2) To Trayvon (from his OLDER - by 5 full years - brother), "So, when you gonna teach me to fight?"............3) To Trayvon (from his girlfriend), "You gotta stop fighting." Trayvon's response, "Na, I'm not done with da fool."............4) Trayvon texts, "Duh way I fight nd golds I had last year." Friend's response, "Ub fightn....yeah, a lot."..."). Then running away with a weaselly, "Me, I'm personally going with the more logical option here."

    Gives you total denial-ability.

    Ema Nymton

  9. No, Jerry, not say me, say Rachel's Jeantel's testimony and the fact that there was a 4 minute gap between the phone calls and Mr. Martin's assault on Mr. Zimmerman.

  10. Ema. a) You're ignorant of the law. Stalking is a legal term that denotes repetitive behavior and has literally NOTHING to do with what Mr. Zimmerman did that evening,; following a suspiciously acting juvenile delinquent for a couple of minutes in his capacity as neighborhood watch. b) Being unarmed has nothing to do with it. Mike Tyson was unarmed when he bit off Evander Holyfield's ear and it is relatively easy for an experienced fighter like Trayvon to beat a rolly poly like like Zimmerman to death. c) Those "racially charged terms" are TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM TRAYVON'S CELL PHONES. Comprehend?

  11. Honestly, Darth, I was on the side of the prosecution initially, too (I bought the narrative, in other words). But once I examined the evidence logically I concluded that this case should have never taken place period. It is a textbook example of self-defense and the only person who committed a crime (it isn't a crime to follow somebody, watch somebody, or to get out of one's own vehicle) that night was Trayvon Martin (assault and battery and maybe attempted murder).

  12. Will said: "And the only person who committed a crime...was Trayvon Martin (assault and battery and maybe attempted murder)."

    There is also this crime to consider: Florida statute 856.021

    "(1) It is unlawful for any person to loiter or prowl in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity."

    This particular crime is exactly what Zimmerman noticed and reported to the dispatcher. Read here for more:

    "2012 Florida Statutes.

    You and I are referring only the crimes that Martin committed at the time of or very close to the time of the incident. That's plenty without the jewel-related incident, probably felonous involvement with controlled substances, etc.

  13. Darth: A lot of the time I don't like your style, but sometimes your direct "to the point" methods are the best....

  14. Will Darth invite Will to don a white hood and join him in a counter protest? Will Mr. Hart accept?

  15. With WD's racism apparent (he defends the University of Michigan admissions policy in which people are given or denied preference points based merely on skin color, and he vehemently opposes leveling the playing field in terms of hiring), he's more likely to wear a white hood. Or vent into the phone about "crackers". There's really not much difference between the two.

    "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

    Oooohhh. The Colonel hates that idea. It blows out of the water his desire for racist university admissions policies, his declaring George Zimmerman a murderer for the "crime" of his being pure white, and all the rest.


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