Monday, July 29, 2013

The REAL Anthony Weiner Scandal

It wasn't the sexting, folks. It was the fact that this lowlife idiot used $45,000 of campaign contributions (most of it coming from hard-working American folks) to wage some phony investigation into finding out just who it was who hacked into his e-mail account. That, to me, is much more unpardonable in that it involves not just his family but the American people who obviously deserve better than that. Slant-headed imbecile.


  1. In this action, as with his legislative efforts, Weiner is all about wealth and power and abuse of such for himself and and his fellow elites.

    A perfect example of a man whose idea of public service is "how can the public serve (or service) me?"


  2. He's up shits creek now......Bill and Hil are pissed off at him.


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