Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Teal, Maybe

According to a recent study from the Journal of Industrial Ecology (and frequently cited by environmentalist, Bjorn Lomborg), it takes more than twice as much carbon-based energy to manufacture an electric car (a lot of that going into the making of the battery) than it does to manufacture a gas-fueled one. Couple that with the fact that these electric cars constantly need to be charged (again, via fossil fuels probably) and that the batteries sometimes need to be replaced and, yes, the situation does get even dicier....Of course, if the federal government is going to continue to subsidize them at $7,500 a pop (and, yes, believe it or not, the subsidy also applies to golf carts!!).......


  1. Actually Will...Im in the market for a new golf cart....I may very well check this out.

  2. "...the subsidy also applies to golf carts".

    Using the real definition of plutocrat (not the silly wide open one where mom-and-pop store operators and school board members are included), these green energy policies so beloved of those on the Left benefit plutocrats more than anyone.

    And like with Kyoto (which has China have a massive increase in greenhouse-gas output) the policies aren't green at all.

    Another one to mention is "Cash for Clunkers", which completely overturned the valid green idea of not throwing something away without reason, and ended up being nothing other than more corporate welfare/crony capitalism. And like with the auto bailouts and windmill greenscam, it also helped ship jobs overseas.

  3. Rusty: the real kind, or the golf cart that has a label like "Nissan Leaf" on it?

  4. I guess that in some instances, you can get the golf cart and even walk a way with some cash.


  5. A few years ago there was a pretty good movie titled "Sleepers." It starred Robert DeNiro,Brad Pitt,Dustin Hoffman,Jason Patrick and Minnie Driver.

    The story line centered on a prosecuter (Brad Pitt)intentionally losing a murder trial.Kind of like whats going on in Sanford Florida....either that or they are just incompetent.


  6. Hey dmarks,your old pal The Everlasting Blogger dedicated an entire posting to you.

  7. He hasn't forgotten about his Uncle Will, has he?

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