Friday, July 26, 2013

On "Obamacare"

The Affordable Care Act is one of the most idiotic pieces of legislation in American history. It is loaded with perverse incentives and the very type of rank crony favoritism (Cornhusker Kickback, exemptions for selected unions, etc.) that makes thinking people from both parties recoil................................................................................And it absolutely WILL fail, by imploding. I mean, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that a large percentage of young people will simply pay the fine and only purchase health insurance once in fact they're sick. TO WHICH, the insurance companies will be forced to sell it to them because of the no preexisting condition exemption clause. This trend will OBVIOUSLY push up rates for everybody and watch, we're all going to end up on fucking Medicaid eventually. Thank you, douche-bag Pelosi.


  1. Or lazy John Conyers, too shiftless to bother to read bills he votes for.

  2. .

    ACA is the law.

    "And it absolutely WILL fail, by imploding."

    This may surprise you, but just because Murdoch Media/Fox Networks/RepublicanT Party/KKK say something, does not make it so. "Social Security," "Medicare," "TVA", and the national highway system along with other successful domestic federal government programs show USA is capable of accomplishing long-term complex tasks.

    "... it doesn't take a genius to figure out that a large percentage of young people will simply pay the fine and only purchase health insurance once in fact they're sick." (Some people do not file income tax forms/pay taxes until they are caught.)

    OK bright guy, how long do you think it will take the system to fix this issue? And no this does not mean USA has to 'repeal and replace' the law.

    It is hilarious that you swallowed hook, line, and sinker the Murdoch Media/Fox Networks/RepublicanT Party/KKK's mantra of, "Government is bad and "USA government is the absolute worstest in all the world for all time!!!!" Freedum freedum freedum."

    Give it a break. You, Will "take no prisoners" Hart, are wrong, it is obvious, and you must really know it in your heart. Given how hard the Murdoch Media/Fox Networks/RepublicanT Party/KKK hate USA and are actively working to sabotage USA, if ACA were really as bad as _you_ wish it to be, then you would all simply wait for it to fail.

    Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, ACA are positive works in progress that work for the people of USA. Do they need to work better? Yes of course. Will they improve over-time? Yes.

    Will Murdoch Media/Fox Networks/RepublicanT Party/KKK and you be absolutely disappointed when ACA succeeds? Yes.

    Will you take your entitlements from Social Security, Medicare, and ACA when the time comes?

    Ema Nymton

    1. And Ema, I don't know much about TVA but the other things you mentioned have gotten worse over time.

  3. "a large percentage of young people will simply pay the fine"

    Let's see someone sneak in a reform that makes it so every American citizen can deduct every cent of this penalty against taxes owed on April 15.

    It might work, with people like John Conyers (D-"Honey I Lost the City"-Detroit) in Congress.

  4. I think you nailed it, except for the Medicaid part. Medicare, that is what the Liberals want to force us all to participate in.

    Also, in regards to your prior "welcome back" comment... I'm not exactly back. I'm only able to check in once in a while, given my workload at the office - as well as other issues that are currently consuming most of my time. Not much free time for blogging, I'm afraid.

  5. You nailed it, Ema: Will is especially gullible to anything the KKK says. Right, Will? Hahaha.

    Sarcasm off:

    Ema said: "...ACA [is] positive works in progress that work for the people of USA"

    You say one thing, Ema. The people say another... and the people, who know their own interest, are strongly opposed to Obamacare.

    I listen to them, not you.

  6. Ema's insane. a) I didn't get my analysis from Fox or any other place. I used simple logic. b) She continues to equate Fox (which I rarely watch, btw) with the KKK. c) I would hardly use SS, Medicare, and the TVA as examples of exemplary government. Back when Medicare was started the cost projections for 1990 were $12 billion - the actual cost was $98 billion. The idiots were off by over 800% AND the fact that Medicare and Medicaid are the primary movers for future debt make it an even more idiotic construct, IMO.......My solution (and I'm so glad that you asked, dear Ema) would be to let people have health savings accounts (which in effect would get rid of that dreaded middle-man, insurance companies) from which they could draw from as necessary and supplement it with a catastrophic policy for emergencies. It is the ONLY way (other than rationing) to get a handle on costs.

  7. It's still good to have you back, Barlowe. We don't always agree but you certainly come off as a decent chap.

  8. Yes, Barlowe is a welcome addition to this sector of the blogosphere.

  9. Will: as. For health care, it seems like you are for devolving power down go the individuals/consumers/patients... as opposed to devolving power up into the ACA "single payer is wildly unpopular but may be can sneak this in" monstrosity.

    When it comes to health insurance companies, we need more players, right?

  10. dmarks, I look at those areas of medicine in which there is a free market; lasik eye surgery, cosmetic surgery, etc. and in those areas the prices are actually coming DOWN (this while the quality is getting better). Health savings accounts I hypothesize could ultimately have a similar effect (it forces people to shop around and actually read the dang bills).

  11. .

    "Ema's insane. a) I didn't get my analysis from Fox or any other place. I used simple logic. b) She continues to equate Fox (which I rarely watch, btw) with the KKK. c) I would hardly use SS, Medicare, and the TVA as examples of exemplary government."

    Ema's being insane not withstanding ...

    Your simple logic is based on false assumptions and a predetermined desired outcome (sounds a lot like Darrel Issa does it not?) ergo wrong.

    And don't worry, one can rest assured the KKK won't mind too much being associated with Murdoch Media/Fox Networks. Two sh!ts in the same bowl if you get my drift.

    Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, ACA are positive social welfare programs that are works in progress and an integral part of USA. Do they need to work better? Yes of course. Will they improve over-time? Yes.

    Will you take your entitlements from Social Security, Medicare, and ACA when the time comes?

    Ema Nymton

  12. I don't root for negative outcomes, Ema. I'm not a partisan stooge like you.......And the logic is entirely logical. Why in the hell would a healthy young man dish out thousands of dollars a year for something that he doesn't want or need when he can simply pay some pittly fine (which he'd only have to pay if he was owed an income tax refund) instead? You, Pelosi, etc. obviously haven't thought this one through.......Oh, and what about Jimmy Hoffa and those other 2 union leaders who now oppose Obamacare? Are you going to equate those 3 fellas to the KKK, too? HELLO!

  13. It sounds like you might have some experince with Ema as well, DDW.

  14. Ema said: "And don't worry, one can rest assured the KKK won't mind too much being associated with Murdoch Media/Fox Networks."

    I hardly watch Fox News. However, just because I don't like them means I think they are racist. They aren't. They have nothing in common with the KKK.


  15. The ACA.....welcome to the 30 hour work week and your name change to "Temp."

  16. Rusty: And if you are seeking employment in an up and coming firm with 49 employees, just give up. Obamacare has a wondrous provision to clobber a company hard if they dare to employ one more employee than that.

  17. Ema said:

    "ACA is the law."

    So is "Stand Your Ground". Nice defense you just gave. Let's see if you have a lick of integrity and consistency and start defending this other law too.

  18. Nothing from Ema on Jimmy Hoffa and her union buddies now opposing Obamacare. Gee, what a surprise!

  19. Ema, isn't she (or maybe it's a he) that troll who Shills for the progressive movement in America? The democratic party

  20. .

    "Why in the hell would a healthy young man dish out thousands of dollars a year for something that he doesn't want or need when he can simply pay some pittly fine (which he'd only have to pay if he was owed an income tax refund) instead?"

    It is part of the societal contract that comes with modern civil society and life. One takes prudent actions now in anticipation of potential financial commitments and disasters. One has money withheld from current paycheck to pay for future taxes, drivers pay for car insurance, homeowners pay homeowners insurance, and people pay into Social Security when they are younger to draw benefits later in life.

    Participation in ACA is just a continuation of ongoing modern day life. Given how expensive medical treatment IS, the individual is expected to act responsibly.


    Is dmarks a sock puppet of yours? He does seem to be having trouble focusing on the topic of your post, ACA.

    Ema Nymton

    1. Ah, the "sock puppet" commenter. Very nice. Making the rounds are you Ema? Or is it Anon. Or...

  21. Will: Ema used to go on and on about what a great democratic leader and champion of human rights Morsi in Egypt was. We aren't hearing from her about that any more, either.


  22. I think Ema is WD's alter ego.They make the same ammount of sense.

    1. You might be right Rusty. Although methinks wd/DS is probably the smarter one. Just sayin...

  23. Ema, the prudent thing for a twenty-something to do would be to get a catastrophic policy and pay the rest out of pocket. Unfortunately, the ACA act doesn't allow for prudence and it forces people into buying something that they do not need. Of course they're going to pay the fucking fine, for Christ sakes!......And, yes, dmarks is my sock-puppet. I have 2 separate blogs and two separate handles. Seriously, Ema?

  24. Inconvenient truths, dmarks, indeed (Morsi, Hoffa, etc.).......I don't know, Russ. I'd probably still have to put dear Ema over wd. But, yeah, the gap is lessening.

  25. Ema: hard to call it the Affordable Care Act when it is making health care a lot more expensive. This is one of the most Orwellian government names ever. There, on topic enough for you?

    1. It will be affordable for the very poor. As perhaps it should be.

    2. Les: Medicaid was already affordable for the very poor...

  26. While is pains me to say that wd is smarter than anybody, Les, in this particular instance you've probably got me.


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