Wednesday, July 10, 2013

On the George Zimmerman Trial 3

Mr. Zimmerman's great-grandfather on his mother's side was black (an African-Cuban a la Teofelo Stevenson and Minnie Minoso). Back in the old south that would have made the fellow an "octoroon" and subject to harsh discrimination. Couple this with the fact that his mother and uncle are obviously of Mestizo heritage as well and the racial aspect gets even blurrier.......Not that any of this matters to the race baiters (can you say, Al Sharpton?) obviously. Those miserable sons of bitches are capable of seeing black and white (both literally AND figuratively) in their fucking Cheerios, for Christ.


  1. Sharpton personally and passionately argued for in-your-face racial discrimination in order to keep Asian-Americans down and punish them for their race. MSNBC rewarded him with a talk show.

    Not sure at this time if FOX has rewarded a veteran foot soldier in the racial hatred wars his or her own show like MSNBC has.

  2. Haven't followed the case, although
    it seems to flood every cable news
    channel. There are about 30 killings by gun every day and many
    end in similar trials which get little press. Race aside, the issue IMO is the legality of shooting and killing an unarmed man: particularly if one follows
    the victim vs Florida's Stand Your Ground Law.

  3. If the criminal justice system had done its job, Martin would have been in jail or rehab. An impaired individual roaming around complicates the situation in a major way.

  4. Exactly. Apparently George Zimmerman didn't have a right to defend himself because the person assaulting him was black? I think the police had it right initially when they let Zimmerman go on his way. Then the Liberal media and Sharpton applied pressure and forced the cops to arrest him.

  5. I'm not a fan of Fox but those folks have recently (in the last 2 years, I'm saying) added Ed Henry and John Roberts, and they're just about to add Howie Kurtz. It sounds to me as if they're at least trying.


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