Wednesday, July 31, 2013

On Bill O'Reilly

Not self-oriented, opinionated, and grating enough.


  1. Don't care for either O'Reily or Mathews much. But it locked in a room and given only a choice of watching and listening to one or the other the Leprechaun gets the nod.

  2. Which one's the Leprechaun, Les? They're both Irish, aren't they?


  3. I'll say one thing for O'Reilly,the past week he has called Al Sharpton out for what he really is.....a race huckster.O'Reilly has been no holds barred about it either.Im sure because of his power at the network he's the only person Fox would allow to do it.

  4. I'm not that big of an O'Reilly fancier normally but I do agree with a good 80-90% of what he's been saying. There was much more black poverty in the 30s, 40s, and 50s and the illegitimacy and crime rates back then were a fraction of what they are today. The way that I see it, the breakup of the black family is the dependent variable here and not the independent one.

  5. Yeah, he at least takes a breath once in a while.


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