Monday, July 15, 2013

Note to Progressives

The advocating of bilking others in the name of charity and compassion is hardly something to feel morally superior over.


  1. Give a man a gun, and he will rob a bank.
    Give a man a bank, and he will,rob the world.

  2. Progressives are the ones who are always generous with other people's money.......Don't like banks (even the small ones), Jerry? Prefer a mattress?

  3. The difference is not the taking of the money. It is who they give it to. And, at least progressives try to pay for it.

    I prefer to deal with my local credit union rather than a bank. Local control with a local business.

    1. Credit unions are a great idea. But it goes against the progressive grain of advocating for massive, complete distance and centralization.

      I look forward to progressives applying the sound ideals they use to advocate credit unions....but to healthcare also, as they change and oppose "single payer" and support decentralization... many many small players. That would be both wise AND consistent.

  4. Left to the free market, banks won't rob the world, Jerry. The CRA and related ill-intended policies did that... they put the "gun" in the hand of the banks. Barney Frank and his fellow progressives stopped efforts to take the gun away, and urge the banks to fire.

    Will: Progressives and statists are concerned more with the wealth and power of the most powerful than they are with the least among us. Their obsession with "single payer" is a perfect example of this. No mention is made of improving health care: the main goal is massive central government power.

  5. dmarks is right, Jerry. In a true free market system, banks that go around "robbing" people (and do all the bankers look like Snidely Whiplash in your paradigm?) rapidly go out of business....Yes, banks acted irresponsibly but it was the government that created FDIC (if the government ensures all bank deposits then why pray tell would a bank be careful with your cash?), established a culture of bailout (and for that one I blame the Republican, Greenspan), and allowed quasi governmental entities such as Fannie and Freddie to buy up HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS in toxic loans. Markets in fact do work. You just have to give them a chance.

  6. And the operant words here were, "out of charity and compassion". Yes, both sides spend like drunken sailors but it's the progressives who take from A and give to B and then try to feel superior by being C.

  7. I guess you prefer a return to the robber barons of old.

  8. Progressives running up the worst national debt ever is not "trying to pay for it" at all.

    Will: the Dems and progressives are now the culture of bailout on overdrive.. with Republicans opposing most of the bailouts. I could end the national debt if I had a dime for every leftist who defended to me, in a knee-jerk fashion, the "need" to have given the Big 3 tens of billions of dollars in a corporate welfare gift.

  9. Don't expect a progressive to understand your point Will.

    Jerry, two good ones. And, unfortunately there is a bit of truth in them.

    Then there is the government. Or should I say the businesses and politicians who really run the government.

  10. Actually progressives advocate moving your money from big banks to local banks and credit unions.

  11. I'm not opposed to breaking up the bigger banks, Jerry (spreading out the risk would be far more preferable, IMO).......As to your comment on the robber barons, yes, there were definitely robber barons. But they were NOT the people who usually get mentioned; Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, etc.. Those fellows (while obviously not totally beyond reproach) created goods, services, and jobs, and in many instances markedly reduced the cost of things (I refer you to the steam transportation industry in which Vanderbilt reduced costs over that of Fulton by nearly 90%). The real robber barons were the crony capitalists like Robert Fulton and those idiots from the Union Pacific Railroad. Those people not only ripped off their customers, they ripped off the tax-payers as wel


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