Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Future of American Democracy?

I sure as hell hope not, folks. I mean, you've got this one guy who will seemingly stop at nothing (selectively leaking damaging testimony) to get the President and another one who will seemingly stop at nothing (claiming that the case is "solved" at the same time when you also have the IRS director of tax exempt groups pleading the fifth) in an effort to defend him. Yeah, I would say that we probably need a special prosecutor here. Maybe that Fitzgerald guy - nobody seems to like him.


  1. My choice for special prosecutor is Pat Fitzgerald because he doesn't mess around and he gets to the truth. I think he's in private practice now though.


  2. Back in Jersey we would call these two guys....."a couple mamalukes."

  3. Is it time to just throw our hands up in the air, congratulate ourselves on electing buffoons, accept we are now reaping the results of our decisions, and just go party like there is no tomorrow?

    Just saying...

  4. I tried to watch some of the hearings but it was all about grandstanding (maybe a little bit more of it by the Republicans but the Democrats, too).


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