Sunday, June 23, 2013

Something For Desert?

According to economist and engineer, Indur Goklany, if the planet ever attempted to feed its 7 billion inhabitants via strictly organic farming methods, it would probably require that we then utilize over 80% of the earth's surface (we presently utilize less than 40%) STRICTLY FOR FARMING. And, yes, this would also mean that we would inevitably have to chop down a significant part of the rainforest and irrigate places such as the Sahara, Great Victorian, and Mojave Deserts and the Colorado Plateau. To say here that the greenies haven't thought this sucker through is an understatement.


  1. So now you are a big agri-business supporter too?

  2. No, it's more that I'm in favor of feeding the world's millions of starving human beings.

  3. Jerry: it has nothing to do with the size of anything. Where did you get that idea?

    Will: WD's bromance continues unabated:

    Now he is so so worried about whether or not you will like what I type. Actually I don't care if you see my views there or not, but you might get a laugh at some more ravings by someone who lives their life for you.

  4. I'm tempted, dmarks, but I just can't get involved (I barely have the energy to deal with him here).

  5. And get this, fellows. Millions of people are going blind and dying of malnutrition and the EU, the UN, radical environmental groups, and cowardly corporations have all been contributing to poor people in 3rd world countries not getting food (golden rice can essentially eradicate blindness) just because it is genetically engineered. These folks would rather see people die than capitulate. It's disgusting.

    1. Does this make the enviro wackos anti science and opposed to progress?

      Just sayin...

  6. I thought about responding to the latest liespew of the Everlasting Blogstalker, but decided to let him have the last word. Maybe he will be happy and stay there.

  7. Will: And they dare call organic farming, which would require massive wildlife and habitat loss and changes almost on the level of terraforming in science fiction, "sustainable".

    And of course Jerry is paranoid about anything that might benefit the common man if it might infringe on the rights of the rulers to play god.


  8. WD's stalking is as comical as his blog. His attraction to Will is just a bit spooky though....I think he might view Will as a father figure and he see's dmarks as competition for dad's attention.Wow,I remembered something from that course.

    I feel a bit sorry for poor WD,he writes these looooooooong boring posts and then makes 90% of the comments himself.Jerry comments on occasion and he seems to be the voice of reason.....go figure.There's also someone called Flying Jackoff who I think is a WD sock puppet.Strange place.....lots of Will Hart stuff.

  9. "I think he might view Will as a father figure and he see's dmarks as competition for dad's attention.Wow,I remembered something from that course."

    Add to it his habit of bursts of scores of messages in which he goes on and on about penis length, and you have something that would have Freud give up cigars.

  10. If only he would throw in a Jennifer Aniston or Nicole Kidman post once in a while I could probably live with it. Spooky, yeah, it's pretty damn spooky.


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