Tuesday, June 4, 2013

President Obama Versus Gary Johnson on Gay Marriage

I'm sorry (and I know that my liberal colleagues aren't going to like this) but Johnson wins on this issue via a technical knockout. The dude is totally in favor marriage equality to the point that he DOESN'T leave it up to the states to decide. Compare this to Obama who has literally done nothing but drag his feet for years and who only came out (no pun intended) when his often times unscripted Vice President (who, truthfully, I actually kind of like in a weird way) opened his yap. AND EVEN THEN, his opinion didn't differ all that markedly from Cheney, for Christ (leave it to the states to decide)..................................................................................Now, to be fair here, Governor Johnson knew that he couldn't win and so, yeah, the dude was totally free to take a principled position. But he did in fact do so and for that I have to give the man some credit (other independent candidates such as Pat Buchanan obviously took a different tack).


  1. Johnson is principled, certainly when compared to other politicians of the donkey or elephant persuasion.

    It is more likely than not that even if Johnson would have had a reasonable shot at winning his position would have been the same

  2. As a person who supported him almost as strongly as you did, I totally agree. He and Huntsman were both very strong on this issue.


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