Monday, June 17, 2013

Pay Dirty

CBS News has now confirmed that the home and work computers of investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, have indeed been hacked into. Acting on behest of their attorneys, they apparently were not at liberty to say anything in addition to that, but I am telling you here, if this can in any way be traced back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (Ms. Attkisson has been doggedly pursuing both the Benghazi and Fast and Furious fiascoes) and/or the Justice Department, this could be the big one - THE REAL BIG ONE.


  1. Facts Pertaining to Fast and Furious - 1) Not only did the ATF allow guns to be sold to straw purchasers, they totally encouraged it. And we know this because of the emails that were sent by concerned gun dealers to ATF supervisor, David Voth, his reassuring responses to these emails, and the fact that the ATF even went as far at to VIDEOTAPE THESE PURCHASES.............2) The ATF has admitted that they engaged in gun-walking and the acting director had to resign because of it.............3) There have been MANY whistle-blowers who've spoken out on Fast and Furious. Mr. Dodson just happened to be the only one who has decided to take it public/speak to the media.............4) Eban lied about the ATF not having the capacity to track guns. Ten million dollars from the stimulus package alone was available and Eban even went as far as to debunk herself. She said that the ATF didn't have a data base for tracking these weapons and a couple of pages later claimed that the ATF had tracked the weapons in the Terry killing back to Fast and Furious (duh!).............5) Fast and Furious is the name that the ATF itself came up with. Sharyl Attkisson from CBS News, Darrell Issa, and conservative bloggers had absolutely nothing to do with naming it.............6) Eban claims to have interviewed some 40 people, but in the text of her "story" she quotes only one retired IRS agent and Voth.............7) Eban goes out of her way to smear the whistle-blowers and resurrect Voth (a known liar).............8) There was no attempt by ATF to interdict the sold weapons. None.............9) Emails from Mr. Voth show that the ATF and DOJ both had full knowledge of what was going on in Phoenix.............10) The reason that there was "no evidence" was because the ATF refused to put the straw buyers under surveillance, didn't use tracking devices on the guns, and kept the Mexican authorities completely in the dark.............11) ATF agents in Mexico repeatedly asked the people in Phoenix to stop the program because of the bloodshed and the fact that the cartels were snapping up so may of the weapons.............12) According to CBS News's investigation, the approval for Operation Fast and Furious went all the way up to the Justice Department.............13) The rationale for Fast and Furious (again, according to CBS News) was basically to see where the guns showed up, make a strong case, and then attempt to take down a major cartel (not, as the Republicans have paranoiacally hypothesized, to strengthen gun laws).............14) Eban claims that it was Dodson who allowed the guns walk (this after she says that there wasn't any gun-walking). The fellow was fingering himself, apparently.............15) If is wasn't for whistle-blowers like Dodson, we would have never found out about Fast and Furious and it would probably still be in effect.............16) Chairman Issa claims that there are wire-taps which implicate the DOJ and Attorney General Holder specifically. Maybe he's bluffing, but maybe he isn't


  2. She was on O'Reilly. Both her personal and business computers were hacked.She say's they now know who did it.

    And for the record...the woman is not a right wing partisan. She has written biting pieces on Bush when he was in office.

    I think someone will end up in jail over this issue....somebody is going to have to fall on their sword.....remember Scooter Libby?

  3. Racts pertaining to Benghazi - This administration RIGHT BEFORE AN ELECTION created out of entire cloth a scenario that literally nobody over the age of three would have ever in their right mind bought. Laying it all out for you here; a) not a single person on the ground (witness, whistle-blower, or survivor) said that there was a protest or that this was anything other than a planned terrorist attack (what, Eli Lake of Newsweek and Bob Bare of CNN knew about this but Obama didn't?), b) nobody, even in the Middle East, just happens to carry around with them mortars and AK-47s (spontaneous shmontaneous), and c) a terrorist cell was actually taking credit for this attack WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING....HOW in the hell/pray tell anybody is willing to let the President skate on this is beyond me.


  4. I think its Hillary Clinton and 2016 they are trying to protect.

    You would think everyone in our government would be on alert for some sort of problem on 9-11....was anyone really surprised this happened? I think Hil had her thumb up her ass on this one.

  5. If the administration had simply said that they didn't know what had happened but that they were going to find out, that would have been just fine. But to go with this whole idiotic youtube video thing and to stick with it for over 2 weeks, that was bad.


  6. Hillary was still blaming the video when she gave a talk at Andrew's during the return of the bodies.

    I honestly think Hillary and Victoria Nuland concocted this story and had Susan Rice pitch it.Obama was too busy campaigning to get involved....he was in Las Vegas 9-12 raising money.

  7. Rusty: anyone who blames people for expressing Constitutionally protected artistic freedoms instead of the actual terrorists surely doesn't deserve the Presidency. Her outburst that it wasn't important to know why Benghazi happened is red meat for futue campaign commercials.


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