Friday, June 14, 2013

Paul Driessen on Radical Environmentalism and Africa

"Solar panels for huts, and huts forever, seems to be their motto."


  1. Yeah, unsustainable high-priced energy "solutions" which really only make sense in a few tiny parts of the world are much more of a need for Africa under the current mindset than this.

  2. As my fellow man-made climate change skeptic, Dan Pangburn, has pointed out, the world has already spent over $100 billion on reducing carbon emissions. Can you only imagine how much better the world would be now if we had maybe spent that money more intelligently and compassionately; getting rid of malaria, providing the poor people of Haiti and Indonesia with inexpensive butane heaters (and, yes, oil burns a lot more cleanly than charcoal and cow dung), etc.?...We're just so dumb here in the west.


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