Friday, June 7, 2013

On Richard Lindzen

a) He's a Harvard educated astrophysicist (with a list of awards far too lengthy to mention).......b) He's the Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology at M.I.T........c) He's arguably the world's foremost expert on the atmosphere and on climate sensitivity.......d) He is the author of over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and numerous textbooks.......e) He (along with Michael Crichton and Phillip Stott) was able to turn a PBS audience from 58% to 29% pro AGW to 46% to 42% anti AGW - a 33 point swing in their opinion.......f) He has never been accused of hiding data/"declines".......g) He has never been accused of "adjusting" data (a la, Mr. Hansen).......h) He has never once engaged in retribution, law-suits, or ad hominem attacks against pro AGW people.......i) He has always conceded that global warming exists and that human activity may be playing a part in it (his only contentions being that the warming is hardly alarming and that there are other variables probably more important).


  1. Obviously you are completely unable to defend this "oily bedfellow", as your listing of his creds does not address the fact that he was paid off by big oil to regurgitate their propaganda.

  2. Lindzen was a skeptic FARRRRRRRRRRR before he did any consulting work (the vast, VAST, percentage of his income comes from teaching) and, since you cannot dispute a solitary scientific fact that Mr. Lindzen has asserted here (on feedbacks, climate sensitivity, global sea ice, etc.), you should probably just open up a real science book and/or article and learn something. Moron.

  3. Since many people believe global warming is real and a problem you must think there are a LOT of morons in the world.


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