Tuesday, June 18, 2013

On the George Zimmerman Trial

There are two possibilities here, I believe. Either Mr. Zimmerman was getting the shit kicked out of him and pulled the gun in self defense, or he had the gun out with an intent to kill (as the state is now asserting) and decided to let this Martin kid beat on him a bit first. To me, the former seems much more plausible and for that reason alone I still have serious reasonable doubts (at least when it comes to second degree murder - manslaughter maybe not as much).


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  2. The prosecutor would have had an easier go of it with a manslaughter charge, but she clearly bowed to pressure (plus, she has a history of overcharging - a 12 year-old kid I believed she charged with murder for roughhousing with his brother).


  3. I will wait until "Rev" Al Sharpton passages judgement.


  4. Yes Virginia......Karma is indeed real!!!!!

    That cowardly,wormy prick Michael Hastings who blindsided Gen.McCyrstal was killed in a auto accident today.....hoo haa!

  5. I don't know, Russ, maybe wait for the body to cool a little.


  6. I wouldn't Will.....Hastings was human garbage....he will only be missed by people who have no respect for our armed forces.

    I usually don't comment on loss of lives,but this guy blindsided and ruined a man who spent his life protecting the rights of cowards like Hastings.Yes McCrystal could have been a bit more careful,but he gave over 30 years of his life to his country.

  7. If you're a journalist and a public figure says something stupid, you're supposed to sit on it? I don't particularly care for the dude, either, but he was kind of doing his job.


  8. No Will,this guy got into McCrystals inner circle under false pretenses.....whoever vetted Hastings should be shot.Hastings garnered McCrystal confidence and stabbed him in the back....the act of a coward.

    The only people sitting shiva for Hastings are on MSNBC

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