Sunday, June 30, 2013

No Cow Manure on His Shoe

Obama has this uncanny ability to come up smelling like a rose. Take, for instance, this whole marriage equality thing. The dude was dead-set against it (or at least that's what he stated), and the only reason that he changed his mind prior to the election was because his shoot from the hip VP, Mr. Biden (who I still kind of actually/strangely admire, believe it or not), opened his yapper (that, and it really wasn't all that major of a transformation, for Christ; still leaving everything up to the states and, yes, being to the RIGHT of frigging Dick Cheney).......But, sure enough, folks, there the dude was, smack dab in the middle of the glory. Not only did he contact the victorious litigants of the recent Supreme Court case, he called 'em on the frigging air (MSNBC, of course), for Christ! AND, AND, he also gets the proverbial, "thank you for your support, Mr. President." I mean, talk about yet another Teflon President here.


  1. I told you guys years ago Obama was nothing more then a polished bullshit artist. But you bit on the hope and change hook......along with many others.

    1. Well some of us learned our lesson from having bit on the GWB bullshit.

      Both have made the Libertarian Party look VERY appealing.

      Gary Johnson in 2016 of he runs again.

  2. I can still more or less justify my vote on the grounds that McCain was and continues to be somewhat less than stable.

  3. Thing is, he's in full campaign mode. But what is he campaigning for now?

  4. He also skates by on his disastrous "stimulus" to recover the economy, which actually resulted in hundreds of thousands of jobs lost (while it boosted the debt by focusing on funneling even Federal more money to his overpaid and under-worked political cronies/allies).

    Hey, America, how are those shovel-ready jobs working for you?

  5. Off topic for this, but related to other posts:

    "Birdwatchers see rare swift killed by wind turbine"

    I was in favor of turbines only if they were economically viable. Now I am less favorable than that...

  6. The thing with wind turbines, it isn't so much the # of birds that they kill but the type; American bald eagles and other endangered species.......And of course the whole practicality issue. You would literally have to pave the entire country with windmills to get the energy equivalent of coal, gas, nuclear, or even solar....In fact, the only thing with a lower power density than wind turbines is ethanol.

  7. Rational: If spending billions on corporate welfare to greenscam companies for windmills is the same as tilting at them, than yes, Obama is like Don Quixote.

    I'm sure there's something to be made about riding a donkey, too.

  8. I see you caught it dmarks...

    Donkeys? Hm, well YEAH...


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