Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Offer to Mexico

Yes, you can have California again. But, in addition to the land, you also have to take each and every one of those moronic politicians who have been driving that sucker into the ditch over the last 30 years or thereabouts. It's a package deal, me-buckos, a package deal. Yes?


  1. You're just jealous. Everyone wants to live in CA.

  2. Jerry: a sense of humor suits you.

  3. The chick factor is way off the charts, I hear.

    1. Naw, traveled through a lot of states, lived in a few. CA chicks are overrated IMNHO. The chicks in Ill., now they are hot. At least they were 40 years ago.

      Hey Truth, you live in lll. is the situation sill the same?

  4. Don't want to live there; don't want to visit. ...But, I'm not sure Mexico could handle the world's 9th largest economy, Silicon Valley and 220+ Nobel
    Laureates in the state's university system. Now, Mississippi...

  5. I refer you to Steven Greenhut's excellent book, "Plunder!". It takes you step by step as to how the municipal unions and leftist politicians (yes, some of whom actually have an R in front of their names and speak with an Austrian accent) have essentially bankrupted the state.......Tens of billions of dollars they're planning on spending in an effort to reduce the planet's carbon dioxide levels by less than 1 ppm. And that's one of their more economical proposals!

  6. As for Schwarzenegger, the Democrats (who OVERWHELMINGLY control both houses out there) told him to bend over and he did. The extent to which the economy tanked under him had absolutely NOTHING to do with the the fact that the guy was never anything more than a nominal Republican and everything to do with the fact that the state has continuously engaged in reckless and profligate spending.

  7. Les, I seem to recall Kentucky having a fair number of hotties, too. That and MA round about the Berkshires.

    1. True, and Virginia ain't bad either. In a bunch of ways.

      As for returning CA to Mexico, I second your proposal. Wholeheartedly. Anything to get rid of Pelosi and her influence on national politics.

  8. Pelosi, Boxer, Waxman, each and every one of them.


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