Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Miscellaneous 172

1) According to climatologist, John Christy, there exists in California temperature data which measures trends in both the San Joaquin Valley AND the Sierras. So, what precisely does this data show? It shows (again, inconveniently) the absolute opposite of what it's supposed to show; namely, that the greatest warming has been taking place in the lower elevations and the higher elevations essentially nada (for global warming to be taking place it has to show significantly more so in the mid to upper troposphere and less so on the earths' surface). Of course, the global warming alarmists have been focusing much more on these urbanized settings and so ergo, the data remains problematic.............2) On Conservative Black Chick, Crystal Wright - yeah, I'd do her, multiple times.............3) I obviously can't read President Obama's mind. But if this dude is purposefully trying to make the sequester cuts as painful as possible simply to make the Republicans look bad and thereby gain a foothold in 2014, then he isn't just a bad President, he's a bad human being, too - RIGHT UP THERE WITH SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL!


  1. Why shouldn't he make the Rs look bad? They've been doing it to him for his whole presidency. He's just pointing out how the cuts will affect people. If the Rs look bad in the process, well, they should take their medicine for putting them in place.

    1. Lisa: he is only making himself look bad by demanding these cuts in the worst places. Like his infamous speech where he demanded cuts for disabled kids/ etc: right after he demanded an $11 billion dollar pay raise for rich government employees.

  2. Honestly, Lisa, I'm starting to get pretty weary of the whole damn process - BOTH SIDES.

  3. And you'd like to think that a President of either party would eventually show some leadership.


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