Saturday, June 29, 2013

He's Definitely Going to Have to Lose that Sweatshirt

This is Johnathan Lloyd. He's one of the finest high school football players in the country (Rivals has him rated as the 20th best "athlete" in the country and the 14th best player, regardless of position, in the talent rich state of North Carolina)....AND HE'S GOING TO DUKE!...To say that coach Cutcliffe has improved the football program at Duke is an understatement; the first bowl game in 20 years and recruiting players like this (hey, if Stanford and Notre Dame can do it, why not Duke?). I cannot wait to see how he does on the field.

1 comment:

  1. P.S., Duke is also in the running for another local standout. Josh Cabrera, a freakishly talented wideout from Northside High in Jacksonville, NC, is strongly considering Duke. The dude has narrowed it down to Louisville, Va Tech, and Duke and will be deciding shortly.


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