Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Agenda of Islamic Extremism

a) The execution of gays. b) The subjugation and mutilation of women. c) The extermination of Jews (first from the Middle-East and second from the planet). d) The total elimination of all free speech (indiscriminate barbarism the penalty for it). e) The indoctrination of young children to hate, commando crawl, and someday blow themselves to smithereens.


  1. Extreme:
    1. of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average

    What's your point?

  2. With the exception of blowing themselves up, some Christian fundies share those same traits.

  3. Lisa, while do I share you dislike of the religious right, to compare them to the Taliban is major stretch. .................For instance, they have never advocated that women wear burqas. They've never said that they shouldn't be able to work. They've never said that they shouldn't be allowed an education after the age of eight. They've never said that they shouldn't be allowed to be treated by male doctors (not that there ARE any female doctors, mind you) unless accompanied by a male chaperon. They've never said that they should face public floggings, stonings, and executions for breaking religious laws. They've never advocated for forced marriages or the marriages of girls under 16. They've never advocated that women not speak loudly in public places. They've never advocated for a severe restriction of movement for women. And they've never advocated that women not be allowed on radio, television, or at public gatherings. Muslim extremists are whole different ball-game, Lisa.

  4. Was it you that brought up Westboro Baptist as the worst of the Christian fundies? A tiny handful who are rude at funerals. Extreme Islam in contrast features armies of hundreds of thousands committing mass atrocities as they scream their intent to kill every American and every Jew until they are quite hoarse.

  5. Will: The closest parallel you will find in fact is the Serbian Orthodox Church and their related extremists. This group of Christian extremists demanded and participated in great atrocities, with massive loss of life. Ironically, considering the conversation, the vast majority of the victims were Muslims.

  6. Will, I agree with you that the Taliban are MUCH worse than our Christian fundies. However, in the not so recent past (200 years ago or so), a lot of what you mentioned DID happen to women. We are all so used to women's rights in this country (because we basically bashed you men over the head with it), that countries that don't have these same rights seem backwards and intolerant. I do feel sorry for these women in those situations but some of them don't seem to mind it because that's how they were raised. In the 1600's we had the Salem witch trials and women were often married at a young age. Arranged marriages are common in Asian countries too.

    I abhor what the Taliban does and stands for. But, I can't put what I have on those women - they have to want it just like American women did. Education is a big part of it.

  7. At no point in U.S. history (and there were some dudes that were hung in Salem, too - Giles Corey was frigging pressed to death) were women ever treated as badly as women are TODAY in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan.......I'm sorry, Lisa, but if there is a God (I'm an agnostic, btw), he gave me a brain and I occasionally use it to make some judgments and, yes, one of those judgements is that not all religions (spiritual viewpoints, if you prefer) are equal. The Islamic extremism which is now permeating Europe, for example, is far more deleterious to the well-being of the planet than Jainism, Zen Buddhism, and Shinto are. And I frankly don't consider myself a bigoted person for occasionally mentioning it.

  8. Will: Native and Black women in the previous centuries in the US were treated as bad, if not worse than Saudi Arabian women are today.

    (Of course, the black and Native men were treated as badly... mostly anyway. I doubt they were raped near as much).

    I happen to have several friends who are Saudi women.... in Saudi Arabia. They enjoy multiple freedoms that no antebellum Black woman could even think of.

  9. And Will, I noticed you said "I'm an agnostic, btw..."

    Well that puts you in good peaceful company. Both Atheists and Theists have killed massive numbers of people for not sharing their faith. Agnostics just don't seem to have this habit that I know of.


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