Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Abolition of Falsification

One of the bloggers over at Climate Depot did some research and came up with over 30 pairs of contradictory findings from studies conducted by warmists. Here, folks, are 12 of the funnier ones; 1) Amazon dry season greener - Amazon dry season browner. 2) Avalanches may increase - Avalanches may decrease. 3) Coral island atolls to sink - Coral island atolls to rise. 4) East Africa to get less rain - East Africa to get more rain. 5) Great Lakes to get less snow - Great Lakes to get more snow. 6) Indian monsoons to be drier - Indian Monsoons to be wetter. 7) Indian rice yields to decrease - Indian rice yields to increase. 8) North Atlantic cod to decline - North Atlantic cod to thrive. 9) North Atlantic cyclone activity to increase - North Atlantic cyclone activity to decrease. 10) Northern Hemisphere ice sheets to decline - Northern Hemisphere ice sheets to grow. 11) Swiss mountain debris flow may increase - Swiss mountain debris flow may decrease. 12) Winters may be warmer - Winters may be colder.............For the entire list go to,

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