Thursday, May 23, 2013

On Vince McMahon

I'll take egomaniacal, steroid pushing, more money than brains, occasionally amusing, dumbers-down of the culture for a thousand, Alex.


  1. Not all that familiar with the guy, but it appears his combination of huckster/entertainer/salesman is not only successful in his chosen
    niche, but a monopoly.
    (sorry, I don't follow roller derby either)

  2. I used to watch wrestling in the '70s, BB, and it was charming, irreverent, and deadpan. What a huge change, huh?


  3. Come on......this is America at its best...a guy takes his fathers failing hard....and becomes a huge success.

    It matters not that every trailer park in the country was watching.....what matters is Vince created well paying jobs.


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