Tuesday, May 7, 2013

On Marco Rubio's Rebuttal Speech to Obama's State of the Union

"It was the best rebuttal speech ever." Sean Hannity......."It was 'tinker toys'." Chris Matthews....Yeah, I would say that we're a tad bit divided these days with idiots seemingly running the show. Yes? No?


  1. It's kinda like the inmates taking over the asylum.

  2. Fox, MSNBC, the House of Representatives, the White House, and the Senate being the institutions.


  3. You mean to tell me Rubio's speech did'nt send a thrill down Spittin Chris Matthews leg?

  4. The thing is, I can see maybe preferring one guy over another. But this whole glorifying of one side while demonizing the other is getting pretty stale, I think.......And Matthews never used to be like this. It was only when Obama came along that he got all dopey.


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