Thursday, May 16, 2013

On the Assertion that Jerusalem is Muslim Holy City

a) Jerusalem is never once even mentioned in the Quran (and neither is a Palestine).............b) When Muslims pray, they bow to Mecca and not to Jerusalem.............c) Islamic scholars as far back as the 13th Century have affirmed that Jerusalem is much more of a holy city for the Jews than it is for the Muslims - "In Jerusalem, there is not a place one calls sacred, and the same holds true for the tombs of Hebron." Ibn Taymiyyah


  1. Another good use for drones: those who wish to conquer Jerusalem and take it away from Israel.

  2. The Palestinians were offered East Jerusalem and 96% of the West Bank and Gaza and Arafat told Clinton and Barak to go screw themselves....AND he started a second intifada.....That Saudi dude was right. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

  3. Jerusalem is one of the largest cities in that area where Muslims actually have the MOST religious freedom.

    They can worship the Muslim god any way they feel, even choosing not to worship that deity at all.

  4. And they could have had half of it but Arafat urinated on Clinton and Barak instead.

  5. See, when you get greedy, this is what happens to you. :)


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