Monday, May 20, 2013

On Alec Baldwin

This fellow perplexes me. He's funnier than shit (Saturday Night Live, 30 Rock, those credit card commercials, etc.). He comes across extremely well in interviews; amiable, witty, affable, self deprecating, and engaging. But he also seems to have an anger issue; those epic meltdowns with the paparazzi and especially that ballistic telephone rant with his then ten year-old daughter. I mean, I know that I probably shouldn't be judging the man when I've never once walked in their shoes and all, but I'm also beginning to think that maybe he needs to take a powder or two and stop to smell the roses....That and maybe some anger management classes.


  1. Okay then, I'll say for you. The guy is a DICK, straight forward and powerful in its truthful simplicity.

  2. I'm sure that most parents have lost it on occasion but that screed which was directed at his then ten year-old daughter (calling her a pig and other such insults) was especially over the top, I think, and you obviously agree.

  3. I laughed at him in the Hulu commercials, but felt guilty for doing so as he is a complete waste of skin.

  4. You guys are thinking of the Alec of 15 years ago - he's mellowed quite a bit since then. He has a new wife (a yoga teacher) and she's pregnant. He's 55 now and at that age you just don't have the energy to be a hot head (black Irish are known for their bad tempers). I will admit, he's had some spectacular melt downs and was a dick, but I think that's done now. I also think he had a drinking problem back then. You maybe thinking of his brother Billy who frankly is a train wreck.

    He's one of the sharpest guys around; he's on Bill Maher a lot and has a really good breadth of knowledge. I'd love for him to run for office. He's also very handsome - I have a weakness for black Irish and bad boys in general which usually gets me into trouble. :)

    1. The Baldwin I remember for years was rather clueless, uninformed, and ill intentioned politically. That he would pal around with Maher, a sicko who believes disabled kids aren't even human, doesn't speak well of any improvement.

  5. My wife used to have a crush on all of the Baldwins. I guess that it was pretty common back in the day.

  6. I think Alec is the best looking of the bunch. Both Billy (train wreck) and Stephen (druggie) have these light gray eyes that make them look like zombies. :)


  7. Agree dmarks.....if you believe someone as being smart just because they are on Bill Maher's show...does that bring your intelligence into question?

  8. Thanks for agreeing, Rusty. I didn't understand the rest though.


  9. Lisa seems to feel anyone appearing on Maher's show is intelligent.


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