Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Note to Shaw 2

Who gives a rat's arse what Dick Cheney says? The guy is a schmuck and the Bush administration was largely a failure. But just in case that you haven't noticed it, neither of these two fellows has been anywhere near the White House for going on four and a half years now. I mean, I know that your answer for everything these days is moral equivalency and "Obama isn't as bad as Bush" and all but isn't it about time that you started focusing on just what it is that your fellow is doing and maybe starting to hold HIM accountable (is party affiliation THAT paramount?)?.......................................................................................Like, I don't know, the fact that this administration RIGHT BEFORE AN ELECTION created out of entire cloth a scenario that literally nobody over the age of three would have ever in their right mind bought. Laying it all out for you here; a) not a single person on the ground said that there was a protest or that this was anything other than a planned terrorist attack (what, Eli Lake of Newsweek and Bob Bare of CNN knew about this but Obama didn't?), b) nobody, even in the Middle East, just happens to carry around with them mortars and AK-47s (spontaneous shmontaneous), and c) a terrorist cell was actually taking credit for this attack WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING. HOW in the hell/pray tell are you just willing to let the President skate on this, Shaw, and WHY?...................................................................................And it isn't just Benghazi, either. This President has also continued with the prior administration's policies of rendition, warrantless wiretapping, unlimited detention and, yes, he's even outdone Mr. Bush in other regards; expanding the war in Afghanistan (more Americans have died in this war under Obama now than Bush) , sextupling the drone attacks in Pakistan and spreading these attacks to 3-4 other countries, and, yes, my personal favorite, the kill list (the dude has a frigging kill list - if President Bush had had one, you and yours would have been going apoplectic and you know it). I think that you're just going to have to face it here, Shaw, Obama is a warrior and in a very bad way.


  1. Well said. I disagree with some of your opinions and conclusions. But when it comes to the facts you stuck with them.

  2. Liberals think it is just fine when their savior does it. The same things Obama does and the hypocrite Liberals would be demanding impeachment.

  3. I don't think that it's beyond the realm of possibility that Mr. Biden just might have to come off the bench.


  4. Imagine how much screaming,shouting and foot stomping would be going on if Bush were in office this past week.

  5. Being that he's now a lame duck, I fully expect the questioning to get a whole lot tougher from now on. We'll just have to see how he does with it.

  6. And I really wouldn't mind Biden taking over at this point. Yes, the dude is gaffe prone but he's straight.

  7. As long as he doesn't put on a moron voice and make chains speeches.

  8. Barlowe, not all us libs agree with Obama has done. Believe me, he's pissed us off plenty. The wire tapping, rendition, torture, etc. has really soured me on him. The wiretapping especially ticks me off because you can get permission from the FISA to do it, even after you've started. It seems that FISA is just a stamp process, but at least it's a matter of public record then. Obama should just come clean on the Benghazi thing and admit they screwed up; I don't know why they lied about it in the first place. Dumb. Just because Bush did it, doesn't make it ok for Obama to do it. However, if we didn't impeach Bush for it, then Obama gets a slide too because the precedent has been set.

    The R's have been screaming for impeachment (although they admit they don't have any charges) since he was in office for 7 months. (Really? How badly could you screw up in 7 months?) You can't impeach without charges; even I know that. Enough with the BS already - shut up, sit down and get something done for a change - that's what we pay you for.

    Biden is a great guy but he has no filters. Now that may be good for a laugh, but running the country - eh, not so good.


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