Thursday, May 16, 2013

Either Or Nor or Both

Darrell Issa is a dirty stinking partisan and President Obama is a liar. Both of these suckers could be true, you know? They are not, NOT, mutually exclusive.


  1. Darrell Issa is a partisan hack if there ever was one. He's only in it for himself and he makes that clear every time he opens his yap.

  2. What is Issa lying about? But in regards to Obama, should he be impeached? What do you think? I say yes.

  3. Not quite there yet, myself. I need to here some more.

  4. Barlowe,
    What's the charge? That's the question I ask all Republicans. Ya'll keep screaming "impeachment" like a bunch of girls, but no one has yet to come up with a charge yet. Sorry, that's not how the Constitution works. Where's the "high crimes and misdemeanors part"? If you don't have a charge, then you don't have grounds.

    As far as Dems regretting their decision about Obama, yeah, we have some serious concerns with him. But you can't impeach him for lying when he's not under oath. And Bush didn't lie out his ass? Where was your feigned outrage then? So bring some actual charge or shut it. This impeachment BS is just another way for the R's to not do anything valuable and waste the taxpayers money.

  5. Bush, Obama, Reagan, Clinton - they're all frigging mixed bags. in my opinion.


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