Thursday, May 9, 2013

At the Intersection of Fascism, Stupidity, And Intolerance

Two San Jose State professors posturing to burn a book by climate-change skeptics.


  1. Only someone of a fascist mindset would support the idea of burning books.

  2. Guess who didn't seem to have an issue with it.

  3. Every year the Heartland Institute has a conference on climate change and every year they invite 33-50% warmists to attend it. A couple of years ago a guy named Denning (I think) came and he debated Roy Spencer. It was civil, it was interesting, and, guess what - the 2 fellows actually agreed almost as much as they disagreed....People really need to step up and converse more, I think.

  4. "Guess who didn't seem to have an issue with it."

    Probably the same kind of person who might not have a problem putting "deniers" in ovens, too. If one supports one of the bad things Nazis do, then why not others?

  5. Will Hart: Guess who didn't seem to have an issue with it.

    I give up. Who are you referring to?

  6. Oh. I sensed a temporary drop in the intelligence of the discourse. Thanks for explaining.


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