Sunday, April 28, 2013

To Those of You Who Don't Think that Big Government and Big Business Are In the Sack Together, This

"Kyoto is exactly what I have been lobbying for. This agreement will be good for Enron stock. If implemented, this agreement will do more to promote Enron's business than will almost any other regulatory initiative. Enron now has excellent credentials with many green interests, including Greenpeace, the Natural Resources Defense Council, etc.. This position should be increasingly cultivated and CAPITALIZED (my emphasis) on." John Palmisano in a memo to Enron director, Ken Lay. That sure as hell sounds like a symbiotic relationship to me.


  1. Business, as guided by the groveling empty suited businessmen and crony capitalists are actively feeding at the trough of government favor. Precisely as Rand correctly identified. Yet we heartily applaud such activity without understanding the long term potential consequences.

  2. It's like the regulations and burdens on employers, including minimum wage hikes, that Walmart backs and supports. They are big enough to weather it (and they pay more than minimum anyway). but their smaller competitors die like flies when this stuff happens.

    1. Yep, ask my father about Wal Mart and Dick's Sporting Goods. He could tell ya some REALLY interesting real life experiences.

  3. Just for the record, I think that Enron was on the ground floor with windmills, too (ultimately selling that part of their business to our good old pal, Jeffery Imelt, over there at G.E.).

  4. The minimum wage is a lose-lose-lose-lose situation. Except for lazy people who think that the best way to get ahead is to just sit there and wait for people to give you handouts. The rest of minimum wage owners solve the problem of making too little money by improving their skills and earning more money and getting out of that wage classification.

  5. Indeed. Leaving behind the pathetic excuses for human beings whose skills warrant a low wage, but instead of improving these skills. they just beg and whine for more handouts. And they expect small business owners to give them a few dollars extra an hour as an unearned gift.


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