Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Sins and Idiocy of Michael Mann

a) He used as a temperature proxy (bristlecone pine tree rings) something that literally any paleoclimatologist could have informed him was a thoroughly unreliable one and he even cherry-picked here.............b) He hid data that was inconvenient to his hypothesis (the bristlecone pine tree ring data actually started showing a temperature DECLINE in the '90s).............c) He refused to release his data and calculation methods to the public and it was only after a legal tug of war that he ultimately did so (in dribs and drabs).............d) He utilized a flawed statistical technique/computer program which (according to Economist, Ross McKitrick), even if he had inserted random numbers into it, still would have given him a hockey-stick shape.............d) He only utilized one type of temperature proxy (the already mentioned bristlecone pine tree rings), ignoring others such as ice cores, lake sediments, fossil pollen, captains logs, etc..............e) He has viciously and personally attacked (even going as far as to sue the guy who did the uproariously funny Youtube spoof of him) anybody who has ever criticized him.


  1. Whatever game he plays, it I surely not science.

  2. In any other field of study this dude would have been banished years ago. But because it's global warming....

  3. With the lengthy sermons of that number-guy blog commenter in mind, we must realize that there is a sort of global-warming Vatican, and all of this is theology not science. Adherence to doctrine is rewarded by this man's fellow cardinals. Independent thought is not valued.


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