Monday, April 29, 2013

Spanish Economist, Gabriel Caldaza, On President Obama at One Point Wanting to Emulate Spain and its Green Agenda

"(I'm paraphrasing) Why would a country like the United States with relatively low unemployment and relatively low energy prices want to emulate a country like Spain which has an over 20% unemployment rate and skyrocketing energy costs?"............Now, to be fair here, Mr. Obama no longer seems to mention Spain (those leaked documents from the Spanish Socialist Workers Party in which even Mr. Zapatero himself admits that the green initiatives have failed and failed majorly - more so than even Caldaza has asserted - probably played a part in it) and, yes, for that I do give him some credit. SOME.


  1. "....Spanish Socialist Workers Party..."

    What do you expect from an ideology that demands strict social control and killing off a large percent of the population that doesn't conform. Anyone who openly embraces the ideology of Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot is at best a completely deluded fool and at worse a homicidal maniac.

  2. And the thing is, dmarks, EVEN THEY recognized that this whole green energy policy was a turkey (though, yes, it would have been nice had they spoken up earlier and saved this poor Caldaza fellow's name from being so virulently dragged through the mud). THEY were ahead of Obama on the curve.


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