Saturday, April 20, 2013

On Alex Jones

Not conspiratorial enough.......Seriously, though, have you ever gotten an earful? The fellow makes Glenn Beck seem grounded.


  1. Unhinged, unintelligent, Unbelievable... A certifiable crazy.

  2. If there's ever anyone who have their career go the way of the corporate democrat Keith Olbermann, it is this guy.

  3. He almost makes Olbermann seem grounded, too.

  4. Are you referring to some other Keith Olbermann dmarks? The one I recall (the one who was canned by both MSNBC and Current) is a Liberal, and not a "corporate" (i.e. conservative) Democrat.

  5. I think that dmarks was referring to the fact that Olbermann was technically employed by GE and of how they got bailout and Olbermann a hefty raise.

  6. Yeah, Olbermann was a hired hand for big corporations almost all of his career, and made hefty $$$ for it. Regardless of the GE bailout. "Corporate" is a better description also for liberals more than conservatives any more, considering the sharp divide over TARP and the auto industry handouts (Democrats for, Republicans against).


  7. Olbermann is broadcasting via ham radio now.

  8. He's outirrelevancing even Beck now and it wouldn't bother one iota if that continued.

  9. Rusty: If, by that, you mean Olbermann is talking to an open can of Hormel Black-Label Canned Ham (tm) that is sitting on the kitchen table in front of him.

  10. It's one thing to have serious questions about what happened during the whole Boston Marathon tragedy. I found it strange why two Chechen men would want to attack the US and how the FBI had interviewed the older brother about a year prior, but Alex Jones is like a seriously broken clock. Occasionally, he makes interesting points, but he sounds like he's on Prozac most of the other time.

  11. Hey, welcome back, Roberto. Yeah, I'm not entirely certain what's up with this guy. He's either on Prozac or he's off it and needs to resume it. Though, yes, you're right, he is on occasion interesting (betwixt the meltdowns).

  12. Hi Will,

    Okay, I will defend Alex. First he has a lot of great guests with proven reputations. The reason that you guys haven't heard about people like Wayne Madsen or Joel Skousen is because they don't make it on Main SCream Media.

    His research is largely congruous with the research of other leaders in what you might call conspiracy research.

    Alex is not going to fall like Olbermann because he doesn't work for MSM. He built his own network.

    To call Alex a nut, well you must not be familiar with the breadth of the research in the field, the nature of his work and others, and its importance.

    30% of the nation believes there is a conspiracy to undermine the country by a shadow government.

    As bizarre as you may think Alex is, we see you guys as totally bizarre that you aren't adding up things the way we are.

  13. I call him a "nut", and I happen to be quite familiar with the "research" on the various conspiracy theories over the decades. From the Bildeburgers to the TLC to controlled demolition bringing down towers on 9/11 to chemtrails to secret UN documents to the Elders of Zion to the Gnomes of Zurich. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Skull and Bones, and the Bavarian Illumunati! (I shake my fingers in the air and go Ooooo!). Not to mention all the invisible imaginary people, no more real than flower-garden fairies, spraying bullets along with Oswald at JFK.

    Like those in England who think the Battle of Helms Deep was an actual historic event, there are of course those who are aware of these claims and buy them uncritically.

  14. Welcome Eddie (and, yes, I'm a big fan of yours and Roberto's blog). Yeah, I've seen some of Mr. Jones's videos in which he does have solid guests and some interesting segments (Piers Corbyn of Weather Action, for example). I just wish that he would stay off stuff like Obama's birth certificate and 9/11 and he certainly didn't help the pro-gun cause with that meltdown on CNN. There, that's a little more nuanced.

  15. Hi Will, Thanks for the kind comments about the Eduction blog. Much appreciated.


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