Sunday, April 14, 2013

Note to Republicans Part 1

More candidates like this.


  1. Ain't gonna happen. The GOP is too far gone. It is stuck in a time warp it has no idea how to extract itself from. I have a feeling it doesn't want to.

  2. I don't understand your request. Are you saying we need more Libertarians who pretend to be Republicans, or more Libertarians (who run as Libertarians) and split the Republican vote, ensuring a Democrat wins? I'm opposed to both.

  3. Barlowe: Those who have no real preference for Republican or Democratic rule don't care about splitting the vote so much at all.

  4. I like these 2 because they're fiscally conservative, socially tolerant, and seemingly reticent to get us involved militarily. I only wish that more people would give 'em a look.

  5. dmarks: Those who have no real preference for Republican or Democratic rule don't care about splitting the vote so much at all.

    Democrat politicians LOVE that kind of thinking. More Democrat politicians means more Socialism. Are you a fan of Socialism dmarks? Previously I thought no, but given your ambivalence about splitting the vote I guess you must be a BIG fan.

    Will Hart: ...they're fiscally conservative, socially tolerant, and seemingly reticent to get us involved militarily. I only wish that more people would give 'em a look.

    They are still not Republicans however. Also, "social tolerance" is the PC way of stating one's support for moral depravity (whether they realize it or not). Moral depravity leads to a host of problems, including the decline of our educational system, increased teenage pregnancies, more drug use, higher crime rates, etc... I would never vote Libertarian for this reason.

  6. dmarks: Those who have no real preference for Republican or Democratic rule don't care about splitting the vote so much at all.

    Democrat politicians LOVE that kind of thinking. More Democrat politicians means more Socialism. Are you a fan of Socialism dmarks? Previously I thought no, but given your ambivalence about splitting the vote I guess you must be a BIG fan.

    Will Hart: ...they're fiscally conservative, socially tolerant, and seemingly reticent to get us involved militarily. I only wish that more people would give 'em a look.

    They are still not Republicans however. Also, "social tolerance" is the PC way of stating one's support for moral depravity (whether they realize it or not). Moral depravity leads to a host of problems, including the decline of our educational system, increased teenage pregnancies, more drug use, higher crime rates, etc... I would never vote Libertarian for this reason.

  7. Most libertarians are in favor of school vouchers and I really don't think that marriage equality for gay people is equal to moral depravity. Just my opinion.

  8. I didn't mention "marriage equality" in my comment (which got published twice for some reason?)... That you got from my blog. I was referring to the general state of moral decay the US is suffering from -- of which acceptance of "marriage equality" (sodomy) is just a component. I guess you don't believe teen pregnancy, high dropout rates, high drug use, or the crime rates are anything we should be concerned about? Remember that Libertarians support legalization of drugs, and they probably believe having a baby while still a teen or dropping out of high school is a "personal decision".


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