Friday, March 8, 2013

To All of You Who Think that the Advancement of Nuclear Energy Can Somehow Be Halted

You're losing!!!!! 6,700 new megawatts in South Korea. 5,000 new megawatts in Brazil. 17,000 new megawatts in China. Add to that the fact that countless other countries; India, Argentina, Finland, France, Japan, Pakistan, Russia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Egypt, Romania, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, etc., etc., are also adding reactors and the environmentalists really need to get a grip on this one..........................................................................As to the specific "whys" of nuclear power; a) high energy density, b) high power density, c) scale (you have any idea how much land that 17,000 megawatts in wind power would take up? - you're probably looking at an area the size of CT, MA, and RI COMBINED), d) affordability, and e) hydrocarbon free. Nuclear power, folks, the stuff is here to stay.


  1. Japan has halted it's nuke program. Wikipedia notes that, because of Fukushima, "more than 80 percent of Japanese now say they are anti-nuclear and distrust government information on radiation", and that "the last of Japan's 54 reactors went offline for maintenance on 5/5/2012, leaving Japan completely without nuclear-produced electrical power..."

    Prior to Fukushima "Japan generated 30% of its electrical power from nuclear reactors and planned to increase that share to 40%".

  2. Thanks for the update. Hopefully they'll go back to fossil fuels as opposed to littering their entire country-side with 500 foot windmills that only operate at a 10-30% capacity.

  3. Will: Perhaps if they can convince Rodan to flap his wings in front of their wind turbines, they might gain some energy efficiency.

  4. Toho Studios 1956 - I definitely had to Google that one.


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