Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sean Hannity - Civil Libertarian?

Look, I have no problem with a fellow like Rand Paul expressing concerns over President Obama's kill list, his drone strikes, his targeting of Americans, etc.. Mr. Paul is a principled libertarian and I have zero doubt that he would be making these same criticisms even if the President in office was a Republican. But Hannity and his recent outrage pertaining - I ain't buyin' it. The fellow had eight long years in which he could have criticized Bush on a whole host of questionable policies and he never once uttered a peep. Yes, there's clearly been hypocrisy on the left here, too (the fact that Bush was pilloried for water-boarding and Obama is skating) but, being that I'm equal opportunity....


  1. Why would he have criticized bush? Do you see a problem with using drones to kill terrorists? Seems to me that this might be one of the few things Obama is getting right.

    1. I think the point is hypocricy. Clearly something Hannity excels at.

  2. I have mixed feelings about the drones, Barlowe. On the one hand, I'm as much for blowing up terrorists as the next guy but on the other hand I'm a little bit fearful that the policy may actually be creating just as many (maybe more) enemies as it's killing. Only time will tell, I guess.......Exactly, Les, and both sides (with the exception of guys like Rand) are exceedingly guilty of it when it comes to civil liberties.

  3. I don't think it creates enemies. After all, the terrorists do this by hiding among civilians. But I do have concerns about the civil liberties aspects of going after Americans without some sort of rigid protocol.

  4. Like I said, dmarks, only time will tell (my suspicion is that the civilian deaths will be blamed on us - not that that would be justice of course).


  5. Why do you guys drone on and.....drone on and.....drone on?

  6. You're right. We should definitely take a powder, huh?


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