Monday, March 18, 2013

On Me and Gore

I do not, NOT, have a deep-seeded or intrinsic dislike of the fellow (I actually kind of liked him as a Senator and STILL think that he might have been a better President than Bush). I only started going after him when the dude commenced to a) fear-mongering, b) spouting misinformation (the nine significant errors - as deemed by the British High Court - in his movie; his assertion that the sea level is going to rise by 20 feet in less than a century obviously the biggest whopper), c) lining his pockets via crony capitalism, d) being a hypocrite (his having built his second mansion on the ocean, heating it exclusively with fossil fuel, the selling of his cable network to an oil emirate, etc.), and e) proclaiming on high that the science was settled/the debate was over (pertaining to global-warming). If there are still people out there who feel the need to defend the man in spite of these things, I suppose that Will Hart cannot comment further except to say, "look at the folks on the right who still defend Gingrich, and see how silly...."


  1. I think his desperation to change the results of the 2000 election by having ballots with no votes on them counted as votes for him ranks waaaaay up there.

    His gaffe about the creation of the Internet is much less important. Gore himself made a correction later, and also mocked himself a few times on it which showed maturity and an admirable attitude often lacking in politicians. The real problem here is the nutty partisans who defend Gore to the death and say (1) invent means nothing like create and (2) Gore really DID create it. They are truly comical.

  2. I just wanted people to know that I have nothing personal against the man, per say, and that if you searched my archives for Bush 2 postings you'd see that I was pretty darn hard on him, too (though, no, I never labeled the dude a war criminal).


  3. Hey Will,your buddy Ed Schultz lost his show on MSNBC.

    That 8:00 p.m. O'Reilly meat grinder dowms another host.

  4. Yeah, he lost his slot to powerhouse Chris Hayes.

  5. I have nothing against Al Goreleoni either. I think what got me was his obvious hypocricy. The dude HSA a pretty large carbon footprint for, well, you know...

  6. Ed lost his show? More time for him to sit at home in a sleveless undershirt and whale on the wife, it appears.

  7. Tipper apparently saw the light.

  8. Hayes will be gone in three months.

    That time slot is a death wish.

  9. IMO Al Gore is a traitor who should be shot for conspiring with those who wish America harm.

    Also, dmarks is right about Gore's attempt to steal the 2000 election. Luckily the Supreme Court ruled in the rightful winner's favor.

    1. It is however most unfortunate that GWB left the legacy he did. An unjustified and extremely costly war in Iraq and a extremely huge resulting debt increae.

      The patriot act and a dramatic expansion of the federal government. Think Homeland Security and the TSA for starters.

      And just what in the name of Christ ever happened to the Founders advice to avoid foreign entanglements?

  10. Not to sound like I'm defending Gore here but I highly suspect that Mr. Bush would have done exactly the same if the tables had been turned. Politicians tend not to surrender easy.

  11. No, I am sure Bush would have done the same thing.

    And I'd like to think that I would hsve opposed it as well if Bush had tried such schemes as demanding a longer voting recount time (illegal under Florida law, as it can lead to ballot tampering which DID happen), and demanding redundant recounts again and again again, including the scheme to conjure victory by counting voteless ballots as having votes.

    But it happened to have been Gore who really did this, so I can't say for sure what I would have done otherwise.

  12. Check out this new bit... a perfect example of an ill-intentioned hypocrite trying to make our lives worse.

    Because, according to Gore, there's nothing that can't be made better by those in power plundering more of the property and wealth of the people.

    He would have fit well into 1200's Europe, as his justification is faith-based, when you get right down to it. Like an old Catholic priest in the Holy Roman Empire getting rich by making the people pay to keep the devil away from them.

    Regardless of what he was prior to 2000, he's quite the public menace now.

  13. On your first comment, fair enough and I believe you (kind of like me with Obama/rendition).............On the second comment, I have to wonder if he's going to try and push for a carbon tax on the poor people of Indonesia for burning charcoal and palm oil, too (2 substances that are significantly worse than butane/propane).

  14. What would Al Gore do? Just look at his past record. He supported Kyoto, which had huge "carbon polluters" increase their massive carbon footprint while it had the US reduce its carbon footprint.

    I guess he is privy to a special type of chemistry where there are two types of carbon: good carbon coming from certain countries, and bad carbon coming from certain other countries. This strange sort of science is par for the course for this public menace.

  15. Bush 2 and Gore - I don't have much of a defense for either, honestly.

  16. Bush did strike back against the terrorists, which I supported. I didn't support the nation building though.


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