Sunday, March 3, 2013

On Filmmaker James Cameron's Assertion that "We are Going to Have to Live With Less"

Well, I would probably have to go with "heal thyself". This is a fellow who owns a yacht, three houses in Malibu (none of which have solar panels or a windmill), a 100 acre ranch in Santa Barbara, a Jet Ranger helicopter, three Harley Davidsons, a Corvette, a Ducati, a Ford GT, a collection of dirt-bikes, a Humvee firetruck, and a fleet of submarines AND the dude continuously pumps out films in Hollywood that singularly produce more in terms of carbon dioxide than many American towns do in a decade. To think that anyone would so much as give this fellow the time of day on environmental matters is beyond me.


  1. Scary words coming from anyone. An outrageous proclamation.

    But when it comes from someone as rich as he is, who will only live with more and more, add epic hypocrisy as well.

  2. His latest escapade is protesting a dam being built down in Brazil that could conceivably bring electricity to thousands of people....Easy for him to say, huh, from the comfort of his energy gobbling ranch in Santa Barbara?


  3. We turned that Avatar movie off half way through.....a bunch of blue people.....come on.....I'd much rather watch "Goodfellows" again.


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