Thursday, March 14, 2013

On Decarbonizing

We are and have been, for decades and decades. We went from mostly burning wood which has a 10:1 carbon to hydrogen ratio to mostly burning coal which has a 2:1 carbon to hydrogen to now incorporating oil and natural gas which have 1:2 and 1:4 carbon to hydrogen ratios respectively. And, yes, if you also throw in the nuclear, hydro, and improved efficiency, the carbon footprint is even less of a problem....We (for a change), folks, aren't the major problem here. China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and the rest of the world's developing nations - that's where the biggest increases in carbon dioxide are happening - and they ain't gonna sacrifice their prosperity for Al Gore or anybody period. Nor should they.


  1. And the great action of the Kyoto Accords, viewed by environmentalists as a sacred creed which would take care of the global warming problem, actually required China to INCREASE its "greenhouse gas" emissions.

    It is also quite eye-opening to see that nations like the US which rejected Kyoto have actually reduced their greenhouse gas emissions, and nations which signed it, like China, have increased such emissions.

  2. The carbon/hydrogen combustion ratio is probably a wash, given the
    change in primitive tribes buring wood, moderns burning 'cleaner' fuels.
    Sort of surprising, the stuff they have been putting in jet fuel.

  3. Kyoto is a joke and the fact that the Senate shot it down 95-0 substantiates it (that, and the fact that Canada, Japan, and Russia have also backed out).......They aren't just burning wood, BB. They're cutting down massive quantities of trees and turning it into charcoal, one of the nastiest substances on the globe.

  4. Haiti, for example, signed Kyoto in 2005.

    Haiti's chief source of fuel is charcoal.

    The above link illustrates the deforestation and other devastation that has happened in Haiti since it signed Kyoto: continuing as it had before ratifying the treaty, and perhaps even worse after.

  5. We could have given these people relatively inexpensive butane heaters and they and the environment both would have been better off.


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