Saturday, March 23, 2013

On "Climategate"

All I ask is that the folks read the actual Emails ( Read those and not the synopses of them that were obviously written by environmental apologists. Read those and then we can talk about them.


  1. One of the deplorable things about this is that so many on the gullible Left wanted the hoax kept secret and reserve their hatred and derision for those who exposed this and correctly describe this. Instead of for the hoaxers. And they call what should be called first and foremost whistleblowing an illegal leak instead.

    How Nixonian of them...

  2. At least Nixon acknowledged the Medieval warming period.

  3. It seems the Liberals have won this one. The MSM protrays this as solid fact. Luckily we don't seem to be doing much to address this (imaginary) problem. Hopefully it stays that way. Will must be worried that it will not though, given how many posts he has written on the topic. He seems quite worked up about the possibility of something like cap-and-trade passing.


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