Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Note to Mrs. Obama 2

In the words of another influential first lady, next time, just say no.


  1. I said NO to another vain self-congratulatory Liberal Hollywood smut-fest (heard there was some song called "saw your boobs") -- and didn't watch. Only heard Hussein's wife gave an award later. Another reason I'm glad I didn't tune in.

    I take it that you did tune in?

    1. I take it you're a died in the wool socon. Would that be a correct assessment?

  2. I had it on but it was largely background noise.

  3. And I actually kind of like Mrs. Obama (to the point where I would definitely take her over him).

  4. RN: I oppose abortion, belive strongly in secular government, oppose all racism (even the types that liberals love), and have no problem with gays. Does that make me a socon?

  5. I consider you a moderate on social issues and maybe a little bit left of center on civil liberties.

  6. OK, I think I get it now. "Socon" is short for "Social Conservative" and not "Southern Conference"? Rational Nation's question confused me so I ignored it. Am I socially conservative? I guess. I wouldn't go as far as to say I was "dyed in the wool" though.


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