Sunday, March 17, 2013

Note to CPAC

You want to make President Obama look bad? I would start next year by not inviting lunatics such as Gingrich, Santorum, Palin, Perry, Blackburn, and Bachman, and I certainly wouldn't give them a forum to throw out what are essentially bromides and red meat ad infinitum. I mean, I realize that this is essentially a members-only club and all, but if you really want to start attracting SOME moderates and SOME libertarian leaning independents, individuals such as these folks are NOT going to accomplish it for you - EVER. EVER.


  1. Some reason for leaving Donald Trump off the list of lunatics?

  2. I think CPAC folks are interested in attracting money, not votes.

  3. I think that folks like Jindal, Huntsman, Christie, Portman, and Johnson (who I guess is a libertarian now) come off decently and probably should be more of a feature there (not that anybody at CPAC has asked for my advice obviously).

  4. I was thinking that Perry might be kept off the list, just because he is the scandal-free governor of one of the few largest, important states (one that has had successful economic programs). Then I read how unpopular he has become in Texas.

  5. CPAC is an utter joke. Did you watch that whole thing with Ann Coulter? She was terrible and her abortion stance isn't based on any empirical data or reason either.

  6. dmarks, I'll admit that Perry hasn't been that bad of a governor. He just seems kind of like a Neanderthal to me and fellows like Huntsman, Jindal, and Christie are far more palatable.............No, I didn't catch that one, Roberto. I can sometimes tolerate Coulter for the humor that she levels but generally only in limited dosages.


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