Thursday, March 28, 2013

More Observations on Global Warming

1) According NASA scientist/University of Alabama meteorology professor, Roy Spencer, the two major temperature thrusts of the 20th Century (from 1900 to 1920 and from 1980 to 2000) correlated almost perfectly with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Contrast this to the correlation between CO2 and temperature change in which there have been some major disruptions in the relationship (from 1940 to 1975 and from 1998 to the present, for example) and it is at the very least interesting (the correlation between solar activity and climate change is stronger as well).............2) The amount of federal research money that's been allocated to study the relationship between climate change and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation? Let's just say that it's a little bit less than what they've been spending on that other relationship.............3) Virtually every IPCC climate model from the 1990s predicted a strong positive feedback loop between CO2 and water vapor. Guess what. It didn't happen (nor has it ever been shown in the geological records). Spencer and M.I.T.'s Richard Lindzen have both examined the satellite data every which way possible and the feedbacks have NOT been positive or even neutral. THEY'VE BEEN NEGATIVE. Yep, that's right, folks, the increased CO2 has interacted with the clouds and water vapor in a manner that has actually modulated the temperatures.Well, I'll be damned.............4) Some researchers have even gone as far as to say that the relationship between CO2 and warming is negligible (at least in terms of the former determining the latter) For instance, University of Ottawa geology professors Ian Clark and Jan Veizer have repeated pointed out that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere throughout the Medieval warm period was but a consistent 280 parts per million, not exactly of a frightening nature here.............5) I also think that it's important to point out here that 97% of greenhouse gasses is water vapor and that CO2 only constitutes approximately 2% (not all of which is human induced, obviously).


  1. Richard Lindzen, Roy Spencer, Ian Clark, and Jan Veizer are hardly "right-wing outlets" and I actually share your disdain of Mrs. McMahon, thank you, me-buck.

  2. Actually I was just trying to get WD to like me again by calling you names.

    let me know if this worked.

    Okay to moderate this comment out.

  3. I still say that you look like Matt Lauer in that photo.

  4. WD? All I know about the guy any more from numerous private messages from him to my blog is that he is obsessed with penis length, especially that of other men.

    Not that there is anything wrong with that....

  5. So, do you like the chick pictures (Bachmann excluded, of course)?

  6. Would you be OK with it, Will, if he looked like Matt Lauer in photos but like Charles Kuralt in real life?

  7. The ladies say I bear a resemblance to Richard Gere on I look more ambassadorial.


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